Set an Identity

Setting an On-Chain Identity Using Polkadot.js Apps

This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting an on-chain identity on the Tangle Network using the Polkadot.js Apps interface. An on-chain identity allows other network participants to verify your identity through on-chain data, enhancing trust and security within the ecosystem.


Before you start, ensure you have:

  • A Polkadot.js wallet extension installed in your browser.
  • Some TNT tokens in your wallet to pay for transaction fees.

Step 1: Access Polkadot.js Apps

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to Polkadot.js Apps (opens in a new tab).
  2. Connect your Polkadot.js extension wallet by clicking on the "Accounts" tab in the Polkadot.js Apps interface.

Step 2: Navigate to the Accounts Page

  1. In the Polkadot.js Apps interface, find the "Accounts" tab on the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on "Accounts" to view your wallet accounts.

Step 3: Set Your On-Chain Identity

  1. Locate the account you wish to set an identity for and click on the three dots on the right side to open a dropdown menu.
  2. Select "Set on-chain identity."

Step 4: Fill in Your Identity Information

  1. A form will appear, prompting you to enter various pieces of identity information such as:
    • Legal Name
    • Email
    • Twitter
    • Website
    • Riot (Matrix)
    • etc.
  2. Fill in the information you wish to have verified on-chain. Note: You do not need to fill out all fields, just the ones relevant to your identity.

Step 5: Submit the Transaction

  1. After filling out the form, scroll down and click "Set Identity" to proceed.
  2. Your Polkadot.js extension will prompt you to sign the transaction. Review the information and fees, then sign the transaction to confirm your identity setup.

Step 6: Verification (Optional)

After setting your on-chain identity, you may want to get it verified by a registrar. This step is optional but adds an additional layer of trust to your identity.

  1. Navigate to the "Accounts" page.
  2. Next to your account with the pending identity, you'll see a "Judgements" section. Click "Request Judgement."
  3. Select a registrar from the list and follow their specific instructions for verification.
  4. You can go to the #registrar channel of our Discord to confirm your request for judgement. See our community tab on (opens in a new tab) for links to Discord.


Setting an on-chain identity using Polkadot.js Apps is a straightforward process that enhances your visibility and trustworthiness within the Tangle Network ecosystem. Remember, the information you provide will be publicly visible on the blockchain, so only include details you're comfortable sharing.